Shotokan Customized structure 2 (Heian Nidan) with Directions and Recordings

This page gives video and composed guidelines to the Shotokan Karate individualized structure - Heian Nidan. Heian Nidan is otherwise called Shotokan Customized structure 2. Heian Nidan is the second Shotokan customized structure and comes after Heian Shodan. It is a Shotokan customized structure for variety belt (non-dark belt) Karate understudies.

Shotokan 2 Kata (Heian Nidan

The data on this page is intended to assist understudies with breezing through their belt assessments. There are video directions for this individualized organization so you can watch the customized structure performed by specialists. There are likewise composed bit by bit guidelines for Heian Nidan situated at the lower part of this page. For data on other Shotokan katas (for example Heian Shodan), if it's not too much trouble, visit the principal Shotokan Karate Katas segment.

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Composed Directions for Shotokan Individualized structure 2 - Heian Nidan
Heian Nidan has 26 developments. This individualized organization requires precise Shotokan positions (dachi).

Prepared position

Transform left 90 degrees into left back position, twofold lower arm block

Right upper cut, left side punch

Transform right 180 degrees into right back position, twofold lower arm block

Left upper cut, right side punch

Transform right 90 degrees into crane position, right back clench hand, right side kick

Transform left 180 degrees into left back position, left center blade hand watching block

Step forward into right back position, right center blade hand monitoring block

Step forward into left back position, left center blade hand monitoring block

Step forward into right front position, right lance hand, shout Kiai

Transform left 270 degrees into left back position, left center blade hand monitoring block

Transform right 45 degrees into right back position, right center blade hand watching block

Transform 135 degrees into right back position, right center blade hand protecting block

Transform left 45 degrees into left back position, left center blade hand monitoring block

Transform left 90 degrees into left front position, just external block

Turn right 45 degrees, right front kick, left center punch

Left external block, left front kick, right center punch

Step forward into right front position, twofold helped lower arm block

Transform left 270 degrees into left front position, left low (descending) block

Turn right 45 degrees, step forward into right front position, right rising block

Transform right 135 degrees into right front position, right low (descending) block

Transform left 45 degrees into left front position, left rising block, holler Kiai

Bring left foot back, return to prepared position