Shotokan Belt Levels and Ranks

Shotokan Belt Levels and Ranks

his page takes a gander at Shotokan belt levels. These are the variety belt and dark belt levels granted in Shotokan Karate. Be that as it may, since there are various different Shotokan associations, belt levels and related variety frameworks can change among dojos and associations (for example different Shotokan leagues). Additionally, some dojos likewise roll out individual improvements to their belt frameworks when contrasted with their public organization. Along these lines, kindly check with your Sensei for the framework utilized at your dojo. In any case, we have attempted to list the normal belt levels and frameworks utilized by the major Shotokan affiliations and organizations underneath.

For directions as well as recordings on the Shotokan katas expected to accomplish these belt levels, kindly visit Black Belt Wiki's primary Shotokan Katas segment. To find out about the belt frameworks utilized in other Karate styles, if it's not too much trouble, visit our part on Karate Ranks and Titles. Or on the other hand for data on the belt frameworks utilized by different styles (for example Krav Maga or Aikido), if it's not too much trouble, visit our fundamental segment on Martial Arts Belts.

Rundown of the Shotokan Associations and Related Belt Levels that are displayed underneath

Worldwide Shotokan Karate Federation Belt Levels (ISKF)

Japan Karate Association Belt Levels (JKA)

Shotokan Karate of America Belt Levels (SKA)


Worldwide Shotokan Karate Federation Belt Levels (ISKF)

ninth Kyu - White Belt - Some ISKF schools additionally have a tenth Kyu white belt level

Individualized organization (to learn for next belt) - Heian Shodan

eighth Kyu - Yellow Belt

Customized organization (to learn for next belt) - Heian Nidan

seventh Kyu - Orange Belt

Individualized structure (to learn for next belt) - Heian Sandan

sixth Kyu - Green Belt

Customized organization (to learn for next belt) - Heian Yondan

fifth Kyu - Purple Belt

Customized structure (to learn for next belt) - Heian Godan

fourth Kyu - Purple Belt

Individualized organization (to learn for next belt) - Tekki Shodan

third Kyu - Brown Belt

Individualized structure (to learn for next belt) - Bassai Dai

second Kyu - Brown Belt

Customized structure - Student should choose Bassai Dai, Jion, Kanku Dai or Enpi (Empi).

In any case, know that a few schools utilize just Bassai Dai for this level.

first Kyu - Brown Belt

Dark Belt Kata Test Requirements

first Kata - Student determination of Bassai Dai, Jion, Kanku Dai or Enpi (Empi).

second Kata - Examiner's choice of individualized structure from Heian Nidan through Tekki Shodan. Consequently, understudies should know them all. See Black Belt Wiki's principle Shotokan customized organization area for guidelines and recordings on these individualized structure.

first Dan Black Belt - Shodan

second Dan Black Belt - Nidan

third Dan Black Belt - Sandan

fourth Dan Black Belt - Yondan

fifth Dan Black Belt - Godan

sixth Dan Black Belt - Rokudan

seventh Dan Black Belt - Shichidan

eighth Dan Black Belt - Hachidan

ninth Dan Black Belt - Kudan

tenth Dan Black Belt - Judan

Japan Karate Association Belt Levels (JKA)

tenth Kyu - White Belt

ninth Kyu - White Belt

eighth Kyu - Yellow Belt

Customized structure - Taikyoku Shodan

seventh Kyu - Orange Belt

Customized structure - Heian Shodan

sixth Kyu - Green Belt

Customized structure - Heian Nidan

fifth Kyu - Purple Belt - Some JKA schools utilize Blue Belts for this Kyu

Individualized organization - Heian Sandan

fourth Kyu - Purple Belt

Individualized organization - Heian Yondan

third Kyu - Brown Belt

Individualized organization - Heian Godan

second Kyu - Brown Belt

Individualized organization - Tekki Shodan

first Kyu - Brown Belt

Individualized organization - Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Enpi (Empi) or Jion (understudy's decision)

first Dan Black Belt - Shodan

Individualized organization - Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Enpi (Empi) or Jion (understudy's decision)

second Dan Black Belt - Nidan

Individualized organization - Student's most loved customized structure

third Dan Black Belt - Sandan

Individualized structure - Student's most loved customized organization

fourth Dan Black Belt - Yondan

Individualized organization - A customized structure from Heian Shodan to Tekki Nidan as determined by analyst

Individualized organization - Student's most loved customized structure

fifth Dan Black Belt - Godan

Individualized structure - A customized organization from Heian Shodan to Tekki Sandan - indicated by analyst

Customized organization - Student's most loved individualized structure

sixth Dan Black Belt - Rokudan

Customized structure - Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Enpi (Empi) or Jion - determined by inspector

Customized structure - Student's most loved individualized organization

seventh Dan Black Belt - Shichidan

Customized organization - Student's most loved individualized structure

eighth Dan Black Belt - Hachidan

ninth Dan Black Belt - Kudan

tenth Dan Black Belt - Judan

Shotokan Karate of America Belt Levels (SKA) - The SKA just purposes white, brown and dark belts.

White Belts


Hachikyu (eighth Level Kyu)

Shichikyu (seventh Level Kyu)

Rokkyu (sixth Level Kyu)

Gokyu (fifth Level Kyu)

Yonkyu (fourth Level Kyu)

Earthy colored Belts

Sankyu (third Level Kyu)

Nikyu (second Level Kyu)

Ikkyu (first Level Kyu)

Dark Belts

Shodan (first Degree)

Nidan (second Degree)

Sandan (third Degree)

Yodan (fourth Degree)

Godan (fifth Degree)

ShotoCanada - with required Kata for testing

White (tenth kyu)

Red (ninth kyu) - Kihon Kata (Taikyokyu Shodan)

Yellow (eighth kyu) - Heian Shodan

Orange (seventh kyu) - Heian Nidan

Green (sixth kyu) - Heian Sandan

Blue (fifth kyu) - Heian Yondan

Purple (fourth kyu) - Heian Godan

Brown (third kyu) - Tekki Shodan

Brown (second kyu) - Bassai Dai or Kanku Dai and Tekki Nidan

Brown (first kyu) - Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Empi or Jion and Examiner's decision of Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Tekki Shodan and Heian

Dark (Shodan - first Degree) - Jion, Empi or Hangetsu and Examiner's decision of Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Jion likewise Tekki Shodan and Heian

Dark (Nidan - second Degree)

Dark (Sandan - third Degree)

Dark (Yondan - fourth Degree)

Dark (Godan - fifth Degree)

Dark (Rokudan - sixth Degree)

Dark (Shichidan - seventh Degree)

Dark (Hachidan - eighth Degree)

Dark (Kudan - ninth Degree)

Dark (Judan - tenth Degree)

Reference Sources

ISKF, Kyu Exam Guidelines,

ISKF, Dan Exam Guidelines,

Japan Karate Association, Dan Ranking,

CSULB Shotokan Karate Club, Belt Ranking System, framework/

ShotoCanada, Testing Syllabus

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Combative techniques isn't tied in with battling. It's tied in with building character.

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This site is for instructive purposes as it were. All hand to hand fighting procedures and activities ought to be administered by a prepared combative techniques educator to forestall wounds and to guarantee the appropriate strategy is used. The data on these pages and recordings is implied uniquely to support and enhance the guidance given at your combative techniques classes. To appropriately comprehend these strategies, you really want to gain them from a hand to hand fighting educator who can furnish you with a top to bottom clarification of the method, assist with rectifying your mix-ups, answer your inquiries and detail how the strategy ought to be used. Likewise, all hand to hand fighting strategies and preparing ought to be utilized securely and capably.