Teikyoku Shodan is a kata (a pre-arranged sequence of martial arts techniques) in the Shotokan style of Karate. It is considered to be one of the most basic kata and is typically taught to beginners. The kata is designed to teach the fundamental techniques and movements of Shotokan Karate. It is said to be developed by Gichin Funakoshi. The kata is practiced solo and has a series of moves that include strikes, blocks, kicks, and throws, and it is often used as a warm-up for more advanced katas.
Shotokan Kata Teikyoku Shodan

Shotokan Kata Teikyoku Shodan

The kata begins with a formal bow, known as rei, to show respect to the instructor and to the art of Shotokan Karate. The kata is performed solo and has a series of moves that include strikes, blocks, kicks, and throws.

The first move in the kata is the front stance, or Zenkutsu-dachi. This stance is used to provide a strong foundation for the kata and is used in many of the other moves. The front stance is achieved by placing the left foot forward, with the heel of the left foot lined up with the toes of the right foot. The knees should be bent and the weight should be evenly distributed between both feet.

The next move is the front punch, or oi-zuki. This punch is performed by stepping forward with the left foot and punching with the right fist, while keeping the left fist near the hip. The punch should be delivered with power and speed, while keeping the elbow close to the body.

The next move is the block, or uke. The block is performed by bringing the left arm across the body to block an incoming attack. The block should be performed with power and speed, while keeping the elbow close to the body.

The next move is the back fist strike, or uraken. This strike is performed by turning the body to the side and striking with the back of the fist. The strike should be delivered with power and speed, while keeping the elbow close to the body.

The next move is the side kick, or yoko-geri. This kick is performed by turning the body to the side and kicking with the left foot. The kick should be delivered with power and speed, while keeping the knee bent and the toes pointed.

The next move is the roundhouse kick, or mawashi-geri. This kick is performed by turning the body to the side and kicking with the right foot. The kick should be delivered with power and speed, while keeping the knee bent and the toes pointed.

The next move is the back stance, or kokutsu-dachi. This stance is used to provide a strong foundation for the kata and is used in many of the other moves. The back stance is achieved by placing the right foot forward, with the heel of the right foot lined up with the toes of the left foot. The knees should be bent and the weight should be evenly distributed between both feet.

The next move is the reverse punch, or gyaku-zuki. This punch is performed by stepping forward with the right foot and punching with the left fist, while keeping the right fist near the hip. The punch should be delivered with power and speed, while keeping the elbow close to the body.

The next move is the elbow strike, or hiji-ate. This strike is performed by turning the body to the side and striking with the elbow. The strike should be delivered with power and speed, while keeping the elbow close to the body.

The kata concludes with a formal bow, known as rei, to show respect to the instructor and to the art of Shotokan Karate. It is important to practice Teikyoku Shodan Kata with proper form, speed and power.


 Read More : 26 Shotokan katas free 


Qun -1 : What is the 1st kata?

Ans - : The first kata in Shotokan Karate is called Teikyoku Shodan, and it is considered to be one of the most basic katas in the Shotokan system. The kata is designed to teach the fundamental techniques and movements of Shotokan Karate, and is typically taught to beginners. It consists of a series of moves that include strikes, blocks, kicks, and throws. It begins with a formal bow and concludes with a formal bow as well.

Qun - 2: What is the first kata you learn in Karate?

Ans - : The first kata that a beginner typically learns in Karate can vary depending on the style of Karate and the instructor. In Shotokan Karate, the first kata that a beginner typically learns is called Teikyoku Shodan, as it is considered to be one of the most basic katas in the Shotokan system. In other styles, such as Goju-ryu, the first kata that a beginner learns is called Gekisai dai ichi, which is also a basic kata. It is important to note that the katas that a beginner learns can vary from dojo to dojo, depending on the instructor's teaching method and curriculum.

Qun - 3: What is the first kata you learn in Karate?

Ans - : The first kata that a beginner typically learns in Karate can vary depending on the style of Karate and the instructor. In Shotokan Karate, the first kata that a beginner typically learns is called Teikyoku Shodan, as it is considered to be one of the most basic katas in the Shotokan system. In other styles, such as Goju-ryu, the first kata that a beginner learns is called Gekisai dai ichi, which is also a basic kata. It is important to note that the katas that a beginner learns can vary from dojo to dojo, depending on the instructor's teaching method and curriculum.